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Lucy Caldwell and Jan Carson in Conversation at the Seamus Heaney Homeplace

In conversation with Hugh Odling-Smee

HomePlace is delighted to welcome two of Northern Ireland’s finest writers, Lucy Caldwell and Jan Carson, who have both published new novels this year. 

Lucy Caldwell is the award-winning author of three novels, several stage plays and radio dramas, and most recently two collections of short stories: Multitudes (Faber, 2016) and Intimacies (Faber, 2021). She is also the editor of Being Various: New Irish Short Stories (Faber, 2019) and her latest novel These Days will be published in March 2022. Awards include the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature, the George Devine Award, the Dylan Thomas Prize, and in 2021 she won the BBC National Short Story Award for her story ‘All the People Were Mean and Bad’.

Jan Carson is a writer and community arts facilitator based in Belfast. She has published two novels, Malcolm Orange Disappears (2016) and The Fire Starters (2019) as well as four short story collections. The Fire Starterswon the EU Prize for Literature and her work has appeared in numerous journals and on BBC Radio 3 and 4. She has won the Harper's Bazaar Short Story Competition and has been shortlisted for the BBC National Short Story Award and the Seán Ó Faoláin Short Story Prize. Her new novel The Rapture will be published in 2022

Join Lucy and Jan as they chat about their new novels with Hugh Odling-Smee.

Tickets are £10 and can be booked in advance HERE