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Heritage Arts Challenge: Prose Workshop with Jan Carson

Join UAH for a virtual prose writing workshop led by Jan Carson, as part of our Heritage Arts Challenge series. The Heritage Arts Challenge aims to inspire people to create a work of art inspired by a historic building or place in Northern Ireland. Jan will be introducing the art of writing to create a strong sense of place, and will help you to tap into your creativity to bring your ideas out onto the page.

Free, Online and Open to All. For more information and booking details click here

Jan Carson is a writer and community arts facilitator based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. She has a novel, Malcolm Orange Disappears and short story collection, Children’s Children, (Liberties Press), two micro-fiction collections, Postcard Stories 1 and 2 (Emma Press) and a short story collection, The Last Resort (Doubleday). Her novel The Fire Starters (Doubleday) won the EU Prize for Literature for Ireland 2019, the Kitschies Prize for Speculative Fiction 2020 and was shortlisted for the Dalkey Book Prize 2020. Her third novel, The Raptures will be published in spring 2022.