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Cork World Book Festival: ‘Firestarters’: Northern Ireland Women, Fiction and Fact:

FREE Live event booking info here

Venue: The City Library, Grand Parade

Jan Carson in conversation with Dr Heather Laird.

Jan Carson is a writer and community arts facilitator based in Belfast. She has written novels, short story collections and two micro-fiction collections. Her novel The Fire Starters (Doubleday) won the EU Prize for Literature for Ireland 2019, the Kitschies Prize for Speculative Fiction 2020 and was shortlisted for the Dalkey Book Prize 2020. Jan won the Harper’s Bazaar short story competition in 2016 and has been shortlisted for the BBC National Story Prize (2020), Sean O’Faolain Short Story Prize (2016) and the An Post Irish Short Story of the Year Award (2021). Jan’s latest novel, The Raptures was published by Doubleday in early 2022.

Heather Laird is a lecturer in English at University College Cork. She is the author of several scholarly publications and is an editor of Síreacht: Longings for another Ireland.